Transparency and Accountability in ML-Enabled Systems

Christian Kästner
17 min readJan 10, 2022


This chapter covers content from the “Interpretability and Explainability” lecture of our Machine Learning in Production course. For other chapters see the table of content.

To what degree can we see and understand the inner workings of a system with ML components? Photo by moritz320

The final areas of concerns in responsible AI engineering that we discuss relate to transparency and accountability, both often important to enable users to build trust in the system and enable human agency. Both concepts are multi-faceted and build on each other. In a nutshell, transparency describes to which degrees users are made aware that they are subject to automated decisions and to what degree they can understand how and why the system made a specific decision. Accountability refers to what degree humans can oversee and correct the algorithm and who is considered culpable and responsible in case of problems. Here we provide a short overview of the key concerns.

Transparency of the Model’s Existence

Users are not always aware that software systems use machine-learning components to make decisions, for example, to select and curate content. For example, according to Motahhare Eslami’s 2015 study of Facebook users, 62 percent of users were not aware that Facebook automatically curates their feed, instead of simply showing all posts of all friends in chronological order. When users learned about the algorithmic curation, they reacted with surprise and anger: “Participants were most upset when close friends and family were not shown in their feeds […] participants often attributed missing stories to their friends’ decisions to exclude them rather than to Facebook News Feed algorithm.” Interestingly, following up with the same users later, they found that knowing about the automatic curation did not change their satisfaction level with Facebook and it led to more active engagement and feeling of being in control.

There are many examples where systems make automated decisions (filtering, ranking, selecting, …) but do not make it transparent that such decisions are made at all or that they are made by a machine-learned model. For example, there are several independent reports of managers who were now aware that many applicants for a job opening were automatically discarded by an automated screening tool and surveys show that most users do not realize how restaurant review sites like Yelp filter which reviews they are showing (in an effort to reduce spam).

In many situations like loan applications, policing decisions, or sentencing decisions it may also not be obvious to the affected individuals to what degree decisions are made by humans, by manually specified algorithms, by machine-learned models or by a combination of those, blurring the lines of responsibilities. To increase transparency, a system should indicate when decisions are made automatically and when by humans, providing a justification for a decision or decision procedure if possible. Technical approaches can provide insights into decision procedures in the background, for example, by designing a user interface where users can see elements that were automatically filtered or where text explicitly indicates that elements are curated based on the user’s profile (e.g., “we think you’ll like”) rather than providing a comprehensive view of all elements.

Hiding or obfuscating the existence of automated decisions in a system does not give users a chance to understand the system and does not give them a mechanism to appeal wrong decisions. While we could argue that hiding the model reduces friction for users of the system and may enable a smoother user experience, as in the Facebook case above, users may feel deceived when they learn about the hidden model. Responsible designers should be very deliberate about when and how to make the existence of a model transparent and how not doing so may undermine the agency of users.

Transparency of How the Model Works

Even when a system makes it clear in the user interface that decisions are automated, users may not have an understanding of how the system works. Humans exposed to inscrutable decisions can experience a loss of control and autonomy. If humans are supposed to be able to appeal a wrong or unfair decision, they need to have some understanding of how the decision was made to point out problems.

Users tend to form a mental model of how a machine-learning system learns and makes decisions — those mental models may be more or less correct. For example, they might expect that spam filters look for certain words for phrases from messages previously marked as spam and judges may incorrectly think that a recidivism risk assessment model judges an individual’s character against the severity of the crime based on the most similar past case. Good design can explicitly foster a good mental model. Especially explanations (see chapter Explainability) often play an important role here, providing partial information about what information a model considers and how it weights different factors. For example, a spam filter might show the most predictive words in the filtered message and the recidivism risk assessment tool might indicate the factors considered and nearby decision boundaries (e.g., with anchors). When users have a basic understanding of how a system works, what its capabilities and limitations are, they can learn to use it better and are more satisfied even when the system makes occasional mistakes. Notice that explanations of the model may need to go far beyond reasons for a specific prediction and include design decisions, scenarios, data descriptions, what evaluation and fairness audits were performed, and much more, possibly even training in AI literacy to interpret explanations correctly.

Transparency in how the model works may be essential to build trust in human-AI collaborations. The concept of trust has long been studied in social science, both between humans and between humans and machines, and now also with machines that make decisions based on machine-learned models. Trust is the idea that the user believes that the system has the user’s interest in mind and accepts potential risks from the system’s mistakes. Trust is efficient in that users do not need to double-check every single decision, but granting too much unwarranted trust exposes users to a lot of risk. In an ideal setting, users learn when they can trust the system and how much and when they need to verify the results.

Users can build trust from repeated positive experiences, demonstrating that the system works. Another path toward trust is understanding how the system was built and evaluated. Specifically, users may only trust the system once they believe they have a reasonable understanding of its capabilities and limitations, and thus they can anticipate how the system will work and can accept the risks that they expose themselves to. Users who do not trust the system will seek other ways to mitigate the risks, for example, by avoiding the system. Explanations can foster trust by shaping a mental model and allowing users to better anticipate decisions and risks. In contrast, facing an inscrutable algorithm, users with also develop a mental model but start to mistrust the system if it does not behave as their mental model predicts.

Driving Behavior and Gaming Models with Transparency

Transparency about how decisions are made can help users adapt their behavior toward more preferable decisions in the future. In contrast, without transparency, users may be guessing and use a trial-and-error approach to build a mental model, which is tedious and may be unreliable. However, designers are often concerned about providing explanations to end users, especially counterfactual examples, as those users may exploit them to game the system. For example, users may temporarily put money in their account if they know that a credit approval model makes a positive decision with this change, a student may cheat on an assignment when they know how the autograder works, or a spammer might modify their messages if they know what words the spam detection model looks for.

If models use robust, causally related features, explanations may actually encourage intended behavior. For example, a recidivism risk prediction model may only use features that are difficult or impossible to game, because they describe inert characteristics or past behavior. If people changed their behavior to get arrested less in order to receive more lenient bail decisions, this would shape behavior in an intended way. As another example, a model that grades students based on work performed rather than on syntactic features of an answer requires students who want to receive a good grade to actually perform the work required — thus, a student trying to game the system will do exactly what the instructor wants which is known as constructive alignment in pedagogy.

Models become prone to gaming if they use weak proxy features, which many models do. Many machine-learned models pick up on weak correlations and may be influenced by subtle changes, as work on adversarial examples illustrate (see chapter Security and Privacy). For example, we may not have robust features to detect spam messages and just rely on word occurrences, which is easy to circumvent when details of the model are known. Similarly, we likely do not want to provide explanations of how to circumvent a face recognition model used as an authentication mechanism or safeguards of a large language model, as those to not rely on meaningful features either.

Protecting models by not revealing internals and not providing explanations is akin to security by obscurity. It may provide some level of security, but users may still learn a lot about the model by just querying it for predictions, as many explainability techniques do. Increasing the cost of each prediction may make attacks and gaming harder, but not impossible. Protections through using more reliable features that are not just correlated but causally linked to the outcome is usually a better strategy, but of course this is not always possible.

Responsible engineers should deliberate to what degree they can and should make the reasons behind automated decisions transparent, both to steer positive behavior change and to prevent gaming.

Designing User Interfaces with Explanations

Explanations discussed in chapter Explainability are often technical and used by experts, and study after study shows that end users do not want technical details and would not expect to understand them. Approaches to design explanations for end users are still emerging and very task dependent, and beyond the scope of this book.

When designing end-user explanations as a transparency mechanisms, it is important to identify the goal, whether it is to foster human-AI collaboration with appropriate levels of trust, whether it is to support appealing decisions, or mainly just to foster a sense of autonomy and dignity. The success of any solution must be established with a user study in the lab or with actual users, for example, measuring whether users correctly know when to challenge or overturn an automated decision.

For high-stakes decisions that have a rather large impact on users (e.g., recidivism, loan applications, hiring, housing), transparency is more important than for low-stakes decisions (e.g., spell checking, ad selection, music recommendations). For high-stake decisions explicit explanations and communicating the level of certainty can help humans verify the decision and generated justifications can be scruitanized, however inherently interpretable models may provide more trust. In contrast, for low-stakes decisions, automation without explanation could be acceptable or explanations could be used to allow users to provided more targeted feedback on where the system makes mistakes — for example, a user might try to see why the model changed spelling, identify a shortcut learned, and give feedback for how to revise the model. Google’s People + AI Guidebook provides several good examples on deciding when to provide explanations and how to design them.

In some settings users ask for more transparency than just explanations of individual predictions. For example, a recent study analyzed what information radiologists want to know to trust an automated cancer prognosis system to analyze radiology images. The radiologists voiced many questions that go far beyond local explanations, such as: (1) How does it perform compared to human experts? (2) What is difficult for the AI to know? Where is it too sensitive? What criteria is it good at recognizing or not good at recognizing? (3) What data (volume, types, diversity) was the model trained on? (4) Does the AI assistant have access to information that I don’t have? Does it have access to any ancillary studies? Is all used data shown in the user interface? (5) What kind of things is the AI looking for? What is it capable of learning? (“Maybe light and dark? Maybe colors? Maybe shapes, lines?”, “Does it take into consideration the relationship between gland and stroma? Nuclear relationship?”) (6) Does it have a bias a certain way, compared to colleagues?

Clearly, there is no single transparency approach that works for all systems, but user-experience designers will likely need to study user needs and explore and validate solution-specific designs.

Human Oversight and Appeals

We know that mistakes are unavoidable with machine-learned models. Even when users are aware of the existence of an automated decision procedure and even when they are given an explanation, they may not agree with the decision and may seek a way to appeal the decision. The inability to appeal — of not getting others to overwrite a wrong automated decision — can be deeply frustrating. It also raises concerns about human agency and dignity.

Automated decisions based on machine learning are often used precisely when decisions are needed at a scale where human manual decision making is too expensive or not fast enough. In such cases humans might be overwhelmed even when just handling complaints and appeals. For example, content moderators and fraud detection teams on large social media platforms are challenged to screen just the small percentage of postings reported by automated tools or users. In addition, automated decisions are often seen as more objective (based on data) and more consistent without the subjectivity and biases of human decision making. In addition to the additional expenses, bringing back humans into these decisions could reintroduce the biases and inconsistencies that were to be avoided in the first place.

Responsible engineers should consider the entire system and the consequences of mistakes (see Requirements chapters) and deliberate about mitigation strategies for handling mistakes. Even though it may be costly, it may be advisable in many systems to keep humans in the loop, to design mechanisms how humans can override automated decisions, and to prepare an explicit mechanism for complaints and appeals, staffed with a support team to respond to such requests.

For settings where this is technically possible and the complexity of the learned models is low enough, an alternative strategy is to explicitly audit the models (preferably using interpretable models) to gain confidence that the learned decision rules match the system’s intentions. This way machine-learned models could be elevated to deliberately manually specified decision procedures and defended as manually validated and approved. Audits can also increase confidence in that the models do not violate important fairness and robustness assumptions. With such audits, we keep human oversight, but focus on the decision process rather than individual decisions. Still it is often advisable to retain a path to appeal and revisit the system’s assumptions and decisions.

Accountability and Culpability

A final question is who is held accountable or culpable if things go wrong. Here, terms of accountability, responsibility, liability, and culpability all overlap in common use, with some taking on a more legal connotation (liability, culpability) and others more to ethical aspirations (accountability, responsibility) — see legal versus ethical in the opening chapter on Responsible ML Engineering.

Questions of accountability and culpability are essentially about assigning blame — which might guide questions such as who is responsible for fixing an issue or who is liable to pay for damages. It may involve questions such as: Who is responsible for unforeseen harms caused by the system? Does it matter whether the harms could have been anticipated with a more careful risk analysis? Who is responsible for ensuring the system is tested enough before it is released? Who is responsible for ensuring fairness and robustness of the system? Who is responsible for thinking through the consequences of deploying the system in the world, including feedback loops and negative externalities (e.g., addiction, polarization, depression)? Who is responsible for deciding who may buy or use a system (e.g., weapons, surveillance technology)?

There is no clear general answer for any of these questions. Interpretation of existing legal and regulatory frameworks is evolving, and more regulation and policy guidance is still being developed.

It is often easy to blame “the algorithm” or “the data”, when problems actually originate from human decisions that go into the development of the system or risk mitigation steps that were or were not implemented in the system. As discussed, system designers should always assume that predictions from machine-learned models may always be wrong, thus we cannot simply blame the system but need to focus on those that build the system, how the system was designed and evaluated, and what mitigation strategies have been developed.

A large scale survey with responses from more than 60000 developers on StackOverflow in 2018 indicated that most respondents (58%) consider upper management to be ultimately responsible for code that accomplishes something unethical, but also 80% indicate that developers have an obligation to consider the ethical implications for their code, and 48% indicate that developers who create artificial intelligence are responsible for considering its ramifications.

Results from the 2018 StackOverflow Survey.

Within a responsible organization, risk analysis, quality control, and ethical considerations should be embedded in the development process and organizational structure with clear responsibility assignments. Organizations should establish and communicate clear policies to define responsibilities. These policies do not need to be developed from scratch but can be adapted from many existing guidelines developed by corporations, researchers, government agencies, and nonprofits, as for example collected by AlgorithmWatch’s AI Ethics Guidelines Global Inventory. However, going from mere aspirational statements to consistent process integration and embedding in the organizational culture will require hard work, investment in people and processes, and explicit management buy-in.

In terms of training developers and holding them accountable, a combination of baseline training to create basic understanding and awareness for all developers with recruiting specialists is often a good strategy to create competence, acceptance, and compliance. This way developers are aware of the relevant concerns and know how and when to bring in help, but are not overwhelmed in their day-to-day work. This is a strategy found to be effective after much trial and error to get developers to care about software security without overwhelming them. This strategy may require bringing in experts who understand the research by sociologists, behaviorists, moral philosophers, and other professionals to understand ethical issues in a holistic context and consider the entire system.

Responsible teams should continue to educate themselves to ensure that they follow the law and best practices. To ensure that teams do not slip as soon as deadlines loom, they should ensure that ethics and quality control are clearly integrated into the process with clear responsibilities. Each decision and the made tradeoffs should be documented; recent forms of documentations for datasets and machine-learned models like datasheets and model cards can provide some guidance for ML-specific aspects.

Responsible organizations may furthermore want to consider the direct and indirect implications of their technology more broadly. While they may sometimes have limited ability to control how their data or tool will be used by others, they often have levers through licenses or deciding to whom to sell, as visible for example in the 2020 decision of several large tech companies to no longer sell facial-recognition software to law enforcement.

Of course, we can also ask for accountability from government agencies in that they should enforce existing regulations or create new regulation (e.g., stricter privacy rules or safety standards for self-driving cars), rather than relying on self-regulation of companies which have no legal binding and often no path for claiming damages. In the meantime, journalists and academics may act as watchdogs to identify and broadly communicate problems, for example, around algorithmic discrimination.


Transparency describes to what degree users are aware of the fact that machine learning is used to automate decisions and to what degree users can understand how decisions are made. Transparency is important to maintain human agency and build trust in the system. In addition, automated decisions that cannot be appealed in cases of mistakes can be deeply frustrating, hence it is often advisable to design mechanisms to check and supervise automated decisions. Finally, while legal liability might not always be clear, responsible organizations should clarify responsibilities for ethical issues to identify who is held accountable, which in many cases will involve the developers of the models and systems.

Further Readings

As all chapters, this text is released under Creative Commons 4.0 BY-SA license.



Christian Kästner
Christian Kästner

Written by Christian Kästner

associate professor @ Carnegie Mellon; software engineering, configurations, open source, SE4AI, juggling

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